I don't really know how we all view this but I have to talk about it, it's about the way we recycle our waste with LAWMA which is not hygienic, please let's learn and make change from this article, if you're opportune to read this and you're also living in a local area, please make changes, I visited the LAWMA website and this was thier promise to the people of LAGOS STATE in general and if this promise is for LAGOS STATE
in general, why should we be left out?, under here are the outlined promise they made to the people of LAGOS STATE when they first starts their operation in 2008.
To provide a professional, efficient and sustainable waste management and disposal service to the generality of Lagosians, corporate bodies and Governments (Local and State) in Lagos State.
• To provide unprecedented efficient waste management services to all its domestic, industrial and commercial clients, government inclusive.
• To provide unparalleled professional services to Government, especially in the area of landfill management.
• To ensure adequate provision of waste receptacles, as an alternative to indiscriminate waste dumping.
• To promote unequalled professionalism and efficiency in public service administration.
• To ensure adequate public enlightenment and education for reorientation and decent waste collection and
disposal habits.
• To ensure effective partnership with the private sector and other stakeholders in waste management.
• To ensure a conducive work environment and promote good working relationship, among its internal and external public.
• To make the organization a household name in the area of waste management and other related services
• Improvment on the present level of city cleansing by way of introducing new strategies and methods for efficient service, which is socially acceptable and economically vible for the private sector.
• Introduction of cost-saving measures for public and private waste storage system for efficient collection and improvement in the public aesthetic systems.
• Increase the number of available waste colletion trucks by 300% within the next 2 years.
• Construction of 20 Transfer Loading Stations throughout the State in the next 7 years (2008 - 2015).
• Construction for additional 3 IWMF (Integrated Waste Management Facility) in metropolitan Lagos.
• Attainment of zero waste initiative, which is geared towards waste reduction within the next 4 years improvement in zero waste initiative by attaining 40% reduction in 4 years (2008 - 2012).
• Increase the level of public awareness from 30% to 90% in the next 3 years (2008 - 2010).
to assure about what you just read, here is a link that leads to the LAWMA site that I copied this promised they've made to us.
All I've been trying to say so far is that it is the LAWMA duty to come to your streets and pack the wastes by themselves not by wee arranging cue all in the name of recycling a waste, they ought to give
each and every household their recycling plastic so that each house will have their dirt recycled in that plastic and it should be left for them to come on their fixed date and carry it themselves, wake up, we are paying for this service, why haven't they been rendering us the service we are paying for? now think of it this way, how easy and sensible will it be if it is done that way, if this people don't know their right, it is our right to let them realize, the fact that you are not educated shouldn't affect your human right, as far as you're a LAGOSIAN, their promise should hold in every angle of LAGOS STATE.
Now to you viewer, either you are a boy/girl, Baba/Mama, please let's make changes, whoever you are that is reading this, please try to enlighten people in your household towards this so that recycling
of waste in our COMMUNITY will be more sensible, reasonable, healthier and hygienic.
Here are some pictures to furthermore buttress what I've been trying to explain so far.
in general, why should we be left out?, under here are the outlined promise they made to the people of LAGOS STATE when they first starts their operation in 2008.
To provide a professional, efficient and sustainable waste management and disposal service to the generality of Lagosians, corporate bodies and Governments (Local and State) in Lagos State.
• To provide unprecedented efficient waste management services to all its domestic, industrial and commercial clients, government inclusive.
• To provide unparalleled professional services to Government, especially in the area of landfill management.
• To ensure adequate provision of waste receptacles, as an alternative to indiscriminate waste dumping.
• To promote unequalled professionalism and efficiency in public service administration.
• To ensure adequate public enlightenment and education for reorientation and decent waste collection and
disposal habits.
• To ensure effective partnership with the private sector and other stakeholders in waste management.
• To ensure a conducive work environment and promote good working relationship, among its internal and external public.
• To make the organization a household name in the area of waste management and other related services
• Improvment on the present level of city cleansing by way of introducing new strategies and methods for efficient service, which is socially acceptable and economically vible for the private sector.
• Introduction of cost-saving measures for public and private waste storage system for efficient collection and improvement in the public aesthetic systems.
• Increase the number of available waste colletion trucks by 300% within the next 2 years.
• Construction of 20 Transfer Loading Stations throughout the State in the next 7 years (2008 - 2015).
• Construction for additional 3 IWMF (Integrated Waste Management Facility) in metropolitan Lagos.
• Attainment of zero waste initiative, which is geared towards waste reduction within the next 4 years improvement in zero waste initiative by attaining 40% reduction in 4 years (2008 - 2012).
• Increase the level of public awareness from 30% to 90% in the next 3 years (2008 - 2010).
to assure about what you just read, here is a link that leads to the LAWMA site that I copied this promised they've made to us.
All I've been trying to say so far is that it is the LAWMA duty to come to your streets and pack the wastes by themselves not by wee arranging cue all in the name of recycling a waste, they ought to give
each and every household their recycling plastic so that each house will have their dirt recycled in that plastic and it should be left for them to come on their fixed date and carry it themselves, wake up, we are paying for this service, why haven't they been rendering us the service we are paying for? now think of it this way, how easy and sensible will it be if it is done that way, if this people don't know their right, it is our right to let them realize, the fact that you are not educated shouldn't affect your human right, as far as you're a LAGOSIAN, their promise should hold in every angle of LAGOS STATE.
Now to you viewer, either you are a boy/girl, Baba/Mama, please let's make changes, whoever you are that is reading this, please try to enlighten people in your household towards this so that recycling
of waste in our COMMUNITY will be more sensible, reasonable, healthier and hygienic.
Here are some pictures to furthermore buttress what I've been trying to explain so far.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned.