Pardon me, as a Admin of this site, I solemnly appreciate viewers interest towards making this site a better
and informative place, please do check back on us as we will try to bring you more news update on whatever may be
going on in the Community area of AMUKOKO and we'll also upload more pix of different streets in our areas either
been renovated or yet to be, please viewers, though you will feel happy viewing the developments status of streets
near you; particularly their pictures and some write ups but focusing on the pix, we plea for if by any means you
as our fan viewing the pix of your local accidentally see either yourself or someone close to you in the pix we've
uploaded, please don’t take it personal, rather, admit that you’ve also contributed to the development of this page
as we have no intension of uploading people's personal life but mainly of AMUKOKO.
Thanks for your understanding,
and informative place, please do check back on us as we will try to bring you more news update on whatever may be
going on in the Community area of AMUKOKO and we'll also upload more pix of different streets in our areas either
been renovated or yet to be, please viewers, though you will feel happy viewing the developments status of streets
near you; particularly their pictures and some write ups but focusing on the pix, we plea for if by any means you
as our fan viewing the pix of your local accidentally see either yourself or someone close to you in the pix we've
uploaded, please don’t take it personal, rather, admit that you’ve also contributed to the development of this page
as we have no intension of uploading people's personal life but mainly of AMUKOKO.
Thanks for your understanding,